Saturday, September 1, 2012

Heads Up

First day of class was like walking into Walmart on Black Friday. I felt like holding up a white flag of truce just so I wouldn't get trampled. Who knew that BYU could be so crowded? Schedule in hand and looking down, I clearly set myself apart as one of the freshman. People trying to explain where the SWKT (Gesundheit?) and the MARB were located using compass directions were no help seeing as my understanding of North consisted mainly of elves and reindeer. While struggling to find buildings on my microscopic map I ran into several different people. Though I did find my classes in the end, I learned something very important in the process. You've got to keep your head up. Both literally and figuratively. Not only will you avoid black eyes and bruises but with 30,000 students on campus you are bound to make a new friend. So keep that chin up! Let's make our first year of college one to remember.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with you. One thing that I think is interesting is that you mentioned not using "compass directions" I think this is an interesting phenomenon that all Utahns use this mental map that most other people do not use. I think it shows us that we, in Utah, don't understand how to accept the cultures of those that are not ours. We just assume that everyone thinks, acts and speaks the same way we do, and that is something that I think needs to be addressed and changed. Thank you for the humorous look into our directional way of thinking.
